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Home » Flower Essences » Australian Bush Flower Essences » Bush Combination Essences

Emergency Essence


Promotes: ? Ability to cope
Indicated For: ? Panic ? Distress ? Fear

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Abund Essence


Promotes: ? Joyful sharing ? Belief in abundance ? Clears financial sabotage patterns ? Universal trust
Indicated For: ? Pessimism ? Closed to receiving ? Fear of lack ? Poverty consciousness

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Adol Essence


Promotes: ???Coping with change???Consideration of others???Enhanced communication???Self Esteem
Indicated For: ???Feeling of hopelessness???Insensitivity???Sense of not belonging???"It's not fair" attitude???Rebelliousness???Anger

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Calm & Clear Essence


Promotes: ? Encourages own time and space to wind down ? Relaxation and having fun ? Clarity, calmness and peace
Indicated For: ? Being always over committed ? No time for self ? Impatience ? Rushing ? Worry ? Mind chatter ? Can't sleep ? Irritability ? Impatience.

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Cognis Essence


Promotes: ? Assimilation of ideas ? Clarity and focus ? Enhancement of all learning abilities and skills
Indicated For: ? Daydreaming ? Confusion ? Being overwhelmed

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Confid Essence


Promotes: ? Taking responsibility for one's life ? Integrity ? Confidence ? Personal power ? True to oneself
Indicated For: ? Low Self Esteem ? Guilt ? Shyness ? Lack of Conviction ? Victim Mentality

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Creative Essence


Promotes: ???Enhances singing???Creative expression???Clarity of voice???Public speaking
Indicated For: ???Creative blocks and inhibitions???Difficulty expressing feelings

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Dynamis Essence


Promotes: ? Renewed passion and enthusiasm for life ? Centring and harmony of one's vital forces
Indicated For: ? Temporary loss of drive, enthusiasm and excitement

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Electro Essence


Promotes: ???Reduces emotional effects of radiation
Indicated For: ???Feeling drained and flat???Out of balance with earth rhythms

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Meditation Essence


Promotes: ???Awaken spirituality???Enhanced intuition???Inner guidance???Access higher self???Deeper Meditation???Telepathy
Indicated For: ???Poor quality meditation???Psychic attack???Damaged aura???Psychically drained

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Purifying Essence


Promotes: ???Sense of release and relief???Spring cleaned
Indicated For: ???Emotional waste???Feeling encumbered???Emotional baggage

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Relationship Essence


Promotes: ???Expressing feelings???Enhanced communication???Forgiveness???Breaks negative family conditioning???Renewed interest???Enhanceed parental-child bonding
Indicated For: ???Emotion pain and turmoil???Confusion???Resentment???Blocked, held in emotions???Inability to relate

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Sexuality Essence


Promotes: ???Renewed passion???Sensuality???Enjoyment of touch and intimacy???Playfullness???Fulfilment
Indicated For: ???Effects of sexual abuse???Shame???Uptight about sexuality???Fear of intimacy

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Solaris Essence


Promotes: ???Reduction of the negative effects of fire and the sun's rays
Indicated For: ???Fear and distress associated with fire

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Transition Essence


Promotes: ???Acceptance of change???Serenity???Eases fear of death???Passing over in peace
Indicated For: ???Feeling stuck???Lack of direction???Fear of death???Fear of the unknown???Non-acceptance

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Travel Essence


Promotes: ???Refreshes???Centres???Maintains sense of personal space
Indicated For: ???Disorientation???Personally depleted and drained???Emotional effects of travel

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Woman Essence


Promotes: ? Female balance ? Calms & stablises ? Coping with change
Indicated For: ? Mood swings ? Weariness ? Physical dislike

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)


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The Practitioner's ENCYCLOPEDIA
of Flower Remedies

The definitive practical guide to their making & uses

by Clare G Harvey

LIVING BETTER: Flower Essences
a new book of remedies & inspirations for well-being

by Clare G Harvey
