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Alpine Mint Bush


Promotes: ???revitalisation???joy???renewal
Indicated For: ???mental & emotional exhaustion???lack of joy and weight of responsibility of care givers

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock



Promotes: ???spiritual discernment???accessing gifts from past lifetimes???release of negatively held psychic energies???clear spiritual communication
Indicated For: ???interference in true spiritual connection to Higher Self???spiritual possession???spiritual confusion

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Banksia Robur


Promotes: ???enjoyment of life???enthusiasm???interest in life
Indicated For: ???disheartened???lethargic???frustrated

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock



Promotes: ???acceptance???open mindedness
Indicated For: ???resistance to change???rigidity???reluctance

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Billy Goat Plum


Promotes: ???sexual pleasure and enjoyment???acceptance of self and one's physical body???openmindedness
Indicated For: ???shame???inability to accept the physical self???physical loathing

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Black-eyed Susan


Promotes: ???ability to turn inward and be still???slowing down???inner peace
Indicated For: ???impatience???always 'on the go'???over committed???constant striving

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)



Promotes: ???opening the heart???belief in abundance???universal trust???joyful sharing???unconditional love
Indicated For: ???being closed???fear of lack???greed???rigidity

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock



Promotes: ???personal freedom by releasing family patterns ? clearing of other, non family, negative Karmic connections
Indicated For: ???enmeshment in negative family patterns???for recipients of abuse and prejudice

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock



Promotes: ? clarity ? serenity ? creative visualisation
Indicated For: ? obsessive thoughts ? pining ? broken heart

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)



Promotes: ???serenity and calm???ability to cope and move on???mother-child bonding
Indicated For: ???unresolved mother issues???overwhelmed by major life changes - old age, adolescence, parenthood, pregnancy, approaching death

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Bush Fuchsia


Promotes: ???courage to speak out???clarity???in touch with intuition???integration of information???integration of male and female aspects
Indicated For: ???being switched off???nervousness about public speaking???ignoring 'gut' feelings???being clumsy

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Bush Gardenia


Promotes: ???passion???renewed interest in partner???improved communication
Indicated For: ???stale relationships???self interest???lack of awareness

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Bush Iris


Promotes: ???awakening of spirituality???acceptance of death as a transition state???clearing blocks in the base chakra and trust centre
Indicated For: ???fear of death???materialism???atheism???physical excess???avarice

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Christmas Bell


Promotes: ???manifestation of desired outcomes???mastery of the physical plane
Indicated For: ???lack of abundance???sense of lack???poor stewardship of one's possessions

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)



Promotes: ? peace and calm ? balance and centres the individual ? clarity of one's feelings
Indicated For: ? continual worrying ? a sense of being "not quite right".

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Dagger Hakea


Promotes: ???forgiveness???open expression of feelings
Indicated For: ???resentment???bitterness towards close family, friends, lovers

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Dog Rose


Promotes: ???confidence???belief in self???courage???ability to embrace life more fully
Indicated For: ???being fearful???shy???insecure???apprehensive of others???niggling fears

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Dog Rose of the Wild Forces


Promotes: ???calm and being centred in times of inner and outer turmoil???emotional balance
Indicated For: ???fear of losing control???hysteria???pain with no apparent cause

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Five Corners


Promotes: ???love and acceptance of self???celebration of own beauty???joyousness
Indicated For: ???low self esteem???dislike of self???crushed, held-in personality???clothing drab and colourless

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Flannel Flower


Promotes: ???gentleness and sensitivity in touching???trust???openness???expression of feelings???joy in physical activity
Indicated For: ???dislike of being touched???lack of sensitivity in males???uncomfortable with intimacy

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Freshwater Mangrove


Promotes: ???openness to new experiences, people and perceptual shifts???healthy questioning of traditional standards and beliefs
Indicated For: ???heart closed due to expectations or prejudices which have been taught, not personally experienced

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Fringed Violet


Promotes: ? removal of effects of recent or old distressing events ? heals damage to aura ? psychic protection
Indicated For: ? damage to aura ? distress ? lack of psychic protection

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Green Spider Orchid


Promotes: ???telepathic communication???ability to withhold information until timing is appropriate???attunement
Indicated For: ???nightmares and phobias from past life experiences???intense negative reactions to the sight of blood

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Grey Spider Flower


Promotes: ???faith???calm???courage
Indicated For: ???terror???fear of supernatural and psychic attack

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Gymea Lily


Promotes: ???humility???allowing others to express themselves and contribute???awareness, appreciation and taking notice of others
Indicated For: ???arrogance???attention seeking???craving status and glamour???dominating and over-riding personality

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)



Promotes: ???content with own knowledge???acceptance???ownership and utilisation of own knowledge
Indicated For: ???being fanatical about self improvement???driven to acquire knowledge???excessive self discipline???superiority

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Illawarra Flame Tree


Promotes: ???confidence???commitment???self reliance???self approval
Indicated For: ???overwhelming sense of rejection???fear of responsibility

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)



Promotes: ???ability to learn from past experience???retrieval of forgotten skills???relating without manipulating or controlling???ability to remember the past
Indicated For: ???inability to learn from past experience???being stubborn???controlling personality

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)



Promotes: ???decisiveness???quick thinking???centred
Indicated For: ???being scattered???changeable???dithering???rushing

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Kangaroo Paw


Promotes: ???kindness???senstivity???savoire faire???enjoyment of people???relaxed
Indicated For: ???being gauche???unaware???insensitive???inept???clumsy

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Kapok bush


Promotes: ???willingness???application???'give it a go'???persistence???perception
Indicated For: ???apathy???resignation???being discouraged???half hearted

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Little Flannel Flower


Promotes: ???care free???playfulness???joyful
Indicated For: ???denial of the 'child' within???seriousness in children???grimness in adults

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)



Promotes: ???enthusiasm???inner strength???endurance
Indicated For: ???being drained???jaded???worn out

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Mint Bush


Promotes: ???smooth spiritual initiation???clarity???calmness???ability to cope
Indicated For: ???perturbation???confusion???spiritual emergence???initial turmoil and void of spiritual initiation

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Monga Waratah


Promotes: ???strengthing of one's will???reclaiming of one's spirit???belief that one can break the dependency of any behaviour, substance or person???self empowerment
Indicated For: ???neediness???co-dependency???inability to do things alone???disempowerment???addictive personality

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Mountain devil


Promotes: ???unconditional love???happiness???healthy boundaries???forgiveness
Indicated For: ???hatred???anger,???holding of grudges???suspiciousness

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Mulla Mulla


Promotes: ???reduction of the effects of fire and the sun???feeling comfortable with fire and heat
Indicated For: ???fear of flames and hot objects???distress assoicated with exposure to heat and sun

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Old Man Banksia


Promotes: ???enjoyment of life???renews enthusiasm???interest in life
Indicated For: ???weariness???phlegmatic personalities???being disheartened???frustrated

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Paw Paw


Promotes: ???improved access to Higher Self for problem solving???assimilation of new ideas???calmness???clarity
Indicated For: ???being overwhelm???inability to resolve problems???burdened by decision

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Peach Flowered Tea Tree


Promotes: ???ability to complete projects???personal stability???take responsibility for one's health
Indicated For: ???mood swings???lack of commitment to follow through projects???being easily bored???hypochondriacs

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)



Promotes: ???ability to receive love and acknowledgement???abiltiy to let in praise
Indicated For: ???inability to accept acknowledgement???excessive generosity

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Pink Mulla Mulla


Promotes: ???deep spiritual healing???trusting and opening up
Indicated For: ???deep ancient wounds on the psyche???an outer guarded and prickly persona to prevent being hurt???keeping people at a distance

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Red Grevillea


Promotes: ???boldness???strength to leave unpleasant situations???indifference to the judgement of others
Indicated For: ???feeling stuck???being oversenstive???too affected by criticism and unpleasant people???too reliant on others

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Red Helmet Orchid


Promotes: ???male bonding???sensitivity???respect???consideration
Indicated For: ???rebelliousness???being hot-headed???unresolved father issues???selfishness

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Red Lily


Promotes: ???grounded???focused???living in the present???connection with life and God
Indicated For: ???being vague???disconnected???split???lack of focus???daydreaming

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Red Suva Frangipani


Promotes: ???feeling calm and nurtured???inner peace and strength to cope
Indicated For: ???initial grief, sadness and upset of either a relationship at rock bottom or of the death of a loved one???motional upheaval, turmoil and rawness

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Rough Bluebell


Promotes: ???compassion???release of one's inherent love vibration???sensitivity
Indicated For: ???being deliberately hurtful, manipulative, exploited or malicious

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

She Oak


Promotes: ? emotionally open to conceive ? female balance
Indicated For: ? female imbalance ? inability to conceive for non-physical reasons

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Silver Princess


Promotes: ???motivation???direction???life purpose
Indicated For: ???being aimless???despondent???feeling flat???lack of direction

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Slender Rice Flower


Promotes: ???humility???group harmony???co-operation???perception of beauty in others
Indicated For: ???prejudice???racism???narrow mindedness???comparison with others

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Southern Cross


Promotes: ???personal power???taking responsibilty???positiveness
Indicated For: ???victim mentality???complaining???being bitter???martyrs???poverty consciousness

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)



Promotes: ???empowers one through emotional understanding of illness
Indicated For: ???sense of being a victim to illness

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Sturt Desert Pea


Promotes: ???letting go???triggers healthy grieving???releases deep held grief and sadness
Indicated For: ???emotional pain???deep hurt???sadness

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Sturt Desert Rose


Promotes: ???courage???conviction???true to self???integrity
Indicated For: ???guilt,???regret and remorse???low self-esteem???easily led

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)



Promotes: ???attention to detail???being grounded???focussed???living in the present
Indicated For: ???vagueness???disconnectedness???being split???indecisive???lack of focus???daydreaming

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Sunshine Wattle


Promotes: ???optimism???acceptance of the beauty and joy in the present???open to a bright future
Indicated For: ???being stuck in the past???expectation of a grim future???struggle

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Sydney Rose


Promotes: ???realising we are all one???feeling safe and at peace???heartfelt compassion???sense of unity
Indicated For: ???feeling separated, deserted, unloved or morbid

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Tall Mulla Mulla


Promotes: ???feeling relaxed and secure with other people???encourages social interaction
Indicated For: ???being ill at ease???fear of circulating and mixing with others???loner???distress by and avoidance of confrontation

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Tall Yellow Top


Promotes: ???sense of belonging???acceptance of self and others???knowing that you are 'home'???ability to reach out
Indicated For: ???alienation???loneliness???isolation

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Turkey Bush


Promotes: ???inspired creativity???creative expression???focus???renewed artistic confidence
Indicated For: ???creative block???disbelief in own creative ability

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock



Promotes: ???courage???tenacity???adaptability???strong faith???enhancement of survival skills
Indicated For: ???despair???hopelessness???inability to respond to a crisis

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Wedding Bush


Promotes: ???commitment to relationships???commitment to goals???dedication to life purpose
Indicated For: ???difficulty with commitment

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Wild Potato Bush


Promotes: ???ability to move on in life???freedom???renews enthusiasm
Indicated For: ???feeling weighed down???feeling encumbered

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock



Promotes: ???sexual enjoyment???enhanced sensuality???sexual openness???gentleness
Indicated For: ???feeling uncomfortable with sex???closed sexually???macho male

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Yellow Cowslip Orchid


Promotes: ???humanitarian concern???impartiality - stepping back from emotions???constructive???a keener sense of arbitration
Indicated For: ???being critical???judgemental???bureaucratic???nit picking

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Pink Flannel Flower


Promotes: ? Gratitude ?Open hearted ?Joie de vivre ?Appreciative ?Lightness of being
Indicated For: ? Feeling and seeing life to be dull, flat and lack lustre ? Unappreciative ? Unhappy ? Taking for granted ? Unmindful

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Autumn Leaves


Promotes: ???letting go and moving on???increase awareness and communication with loved ones in the spiritual world
Indicated For: ???difficulties in the transition of passing over from the physical plane to the spiritual world

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)

Green  Essence


Promotes: ???harmony the vibration of any yeast, mould or parasite with one's own vibration???purifying.
Indicated For: ???emotional distress associated with intestinal and skin disorders

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock



Promotes: ???one's transition into the Light???separation between the physical and etheric body???release of earth bound energies
Indicated For: ???not knowing to look for and move into the Light when passing over???earth bound in the astral plane

Size: 15ml

Price: £8.47 (£10.16 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Emergency Essence


Promotes: ? Ability to cope
Indicated For: ? Panic ? Distress ? Fear

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Abund Essence


Promotes: ? Joyful sharing ? Belief in abundance ? Clears financial sabotage patterns ? Universal trust
Indicated For: ? Pessimism ? Closed to receiving ? Fear of lack ? Poverty consciousness

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Adol Essence


Promotes: ???Coping with change???Consideration of others???Enhanced communication???Self Esteem
Indicated For: ???Feeling of hopelessness???Insensitivity???Sense of not belonging???"It's not fair" attitude???Rebelliousness???Anger

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Calm & Clear Essence


Promotes: ? Encourages own time and space to wind down ? Relaxation and having fun ? Clarity, calmness and peace
Indicated For: ? Being always over committed ? No time for self ? Impatience ? Rushing ? Worry ? Mind chatter ? Can't sleep ? Irritability ? Impatience.

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Cognis Essence


Promotes: ? Assimilation of ideas ? Clarity and focus ? Enhancement of all learning abilities and skills
Indicated For: ? Daydreaming ? Confusion ? Being overwhelmed

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Confid Essence


Promotes: ? Taking responsibility for one's life ? Integrity ? Confidence ? Personal power ? True to oneself
Indicated For: ? Low Self Esteem ? Guilt ? Shyness ? Lack of Conviction ? Victim Mentality

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Creative Essence


Promotes: ???Enhances singing???Creative expression???Clarity of voice???Public speaking
Indicated For: ???Creative blocks and inhibitions???Difficulty expressing feelings

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Dynamis Essence


Promotes: ? Renewed passion and enthusiasm for life ? Centring and harmony of one's vital forces
Indicated For: ? Temporary loss of drive, enthusiasm and excitement

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Electro Essence


Promotes: ???Reduces emotional effects of radiation
Indicated For: ???Feeling drained and flat???Out of balance with earth rhythms

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Meditation Essence


Promotes: ???Awaken spirituality???Enhanced intuition???Inner guidance???Access higher self???Deeper Meditation???Telepathy
Indicated For: ???Poor quality meditation???Psychic attack???Damaged aura???Psychically drained

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Purifying Essence


Promotes: ???Sense of release and relief???Spring cleaned
Indicated For: ???Emotional waste???Feeling encumbered???Emotional baggage

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Relationship Essence


Promotes: ???Expressing feelings???Enhanced communication???Forgiveness???Breaks negative family conditioning???Renewed interest???Enhanceed parental-child bonding
Indicated For: ???Emotion pain and turmoil???Confusion???Resentment???Blocked, held in emotions???Inability to relate

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Sexuality Essence


Promotes: ???Renewed passion???Sensuality???Enjoyment of touch and intimacy???Playfullness???Fulfilment
Indicated For: ???Effects of sexual abuse???Shame???Uptight about sexuality???Fear of intimacy

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Solaris Essence


Promotes: ???Reduction of the negative effects of fire and the sun's rays
Indicated For: ???Fear and distress associated with fire

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Transition Essence


Promotes: ???Acceptance of change???Serenity???Eases fear of death???Passing over in peace
Indicated For: ???Feeling stuck???Lack of direction???Fear of death???Fear of the unknown???Non-acceptance

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Travel Essence


Promotes: ???Refreshes???Centres???Maintains sense of personal space
Indicated For: ???Disorientation???Personally depleted and drained???Emotional effects of travel

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Woman Essence


Promotes: ? Female balance ? Calms & stablises ? Coping with change
Indicated For: ? Mood swings ? Weariness ? Physical dislike

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.30 (£9.96 Inc. VAT)

Emergency Mist


Promotes: ???ability to cope
Indicated For: ???panic???distress???fear

Size: 50ml

Price: £10.00 (£12.00 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Calm & Clear Mist


Promotes: ? encourages own time and space ? winding down, relaxing and having fun ? clarity, calmness and peace
Indicated For: ? being always over committed ? having no time for self ? impatience ? rushing ? worry

Size: 50ml

Price: £10.00 (£12.00 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Sensuality Mist


Promotes: ???encourages intimacy, passion and sensual fulfilment
Indicated For: ???fear of emotional and physical intimacy

Size: 50ml

Price: £10.00 (£12.00 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Space Clearing Mist


Promotes: ???enhanced sacred space???clears negative and psychic energies???creates safe, harmonious environments???allows one to feel still and reflective
Indicated For: ???negative mental, emotional & psychic energies???disharmonious or unpleasant environments

Sizes available: 50ml & 100ml

Price: £10.00 (£12.00 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Travel Mist


Promotes: ???refreshes???centres???maintains sense of personal space
Indicated For: ???disorientation???personal depletion and being drained???emotional effects of travel

Size: 50ml

Price: £10.00 (£12.00 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Woman Mist


Promotes: ???female balance???calm and stability???coping with change
Indicated For: ???mood swings???weariness???physical dislike

Size: 50ml

Price: £10.00 (£12.00 Inc. VAT)
Out of Stock

Orchid Queen


Helps a woman to have a clear insight into her own unique nature and tap into the wonder of being a woman

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.75 (£10.50 Inc. VAT)

Pink Orchid


Strengthens, expands and magnatizes the auric field

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.75 (£10.50 Inc. VAT)



Awakens passion and joy. Boosts confidence, inner beauty, and feeling complete as a woman.

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.75 (£10.50 Inc. VAT)



Clears nervous stress, calms, cools and relaxes the nervous system. Invaluable for insomina

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.75 (£10.50 Inc. VAT)



For times of passion, balances sensuality, sexuality with spirituality

Size: 30ml

Price: £8.75 (£10.50 Inc. VAT)

Sensuality Blend


Specially created to bring the passion back into ones life

Size: 30ml

Price: £7.08 (£8.50 Inc. VAT)

Sacred Banyan Tree


Its use clears away the propensity for dis-ease encoded in the DNA, You can change, regenerate, re-invent ourselves, almost on a daily basis.
Price: £8.75 (£10.50 Inc. VAT)

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The Practitioner's ENCYCLOPEDIA
of Flower Remedies

The definitive practical guide to their making & uses

by Clare G Harvey

LIVING BETTER: Flower Essences
a new book of remedies & inspirations for well-being

by Clare G Harvey
